Aug 21 2019 - Train Museum

Railroad Park has a nice little train museum but it could have been a lot better.
We have visited a lot of train museums and this one is average with not too much to see.
Best part was walking thru the different train sections and seeing the difference in 3rd, 1st then 2nd class quarters in that order.

Now the tour of 7 train cars that the President of the Railroad has his own car.

The motor was removed from the Engine.

The dining car was pretty nice.

It took 7 people to cook all the food in this small kitchen.

Third Class sleeping quarters.

3rd class slept in bunks.

You can see the toilet in the next picture.

Passengers needing to use the restroom had to leave their room while a porter came in to lift the bed so they could use the toilet. Porter would leave the room then return to make up the bed.

Next is the Railroad Presidents car.

His room.

The secretary had her own room.

The meeting room at the end of the car.

This car in process of renovation.

Another in process of renovation.

Looks like I found a ghost.

She liked the red caboose.