02 OCT 2019 - Mike Ross Gold Head State Park

We stayed here 6 nights before going home. It is a nice campground if you like dirt campsites and you want to see deer daily. This is a back to nature type campground with a small beach.

Cabins can be rented here at the park.

I hate parking under oak trees because the limbs break off and fall. I do not want them to break the solar panels which are glass. Besides that the squirrels run on the roof trying to eat the wires.

This is the lake with somewhat clear water at the beach but look at those lilly pads.
We did not see any gators here.

That's a bath house to change clothing in but no showers. There is toilets and a sink in there.

This is a different lake with no swimming or fishing as they are letting things get back to normal.


There is a bunch of steps going down to the trail with some water in the ditch.

Turkeys run wild all over the park.