08 SEP 2019 - South Fork Pickette Trails

We had a good time walking thru trails in the Pickett State Park. Saw three snakes in which I almost stepped on one of them.

Its good to see these out here. There is always toilet paper in them, Thanks to the Park Rangers.

Great little paths in this park.

It is tough going thru the log steps especially up hill.

Two sets of steep stairs.

It is a beautiful sight.

we went left to the second arch.

we checked back there and found no animals.

the walk thru the woods was about 4.6 mile to the lodge via Jakes Place and Slave Falls.

We passed a couple here that said they saw a bear on the path by some rocks.

Somewhere along the rocks I could small a strong oder that smelt like poo. Could have been a bear.

I wore my SJR State shirt which is too big but it has good air flow.


Nice steps to keep you feet out of water but it was dry on this day.

The walking path merges into a horse trail in which we despise because horses poop all over it.

There are two graves here but I did not see a cabin.

What's left of the furnace.

I walked across the bridge and back. This is not the direction we needed to go.

Two horses patiently waiting for their riders to return.


You can get back to nature by renting a cabin or rooms at this place.
No electricity, no internet, everything is cooked on wood burning stoves and rooms are heated by a fireplace.

A single cabin in there.

These are separate cabins for rent.

We had to take a break after all the uphill steps on this 4.6 mile path.