Apr 29 2019 - Laundry in Moab

We had to go to town to do laundry in Moab. There is all kinds of ATV, Jeep and motorcycle events going on here every weekend. This is similar to Orlando because everything is very expensive.
$25.00 for a load off laundry then 25 cents for 4 minutes of drying time. We spent $25.00 to do all our laundry including bedding. $25.00 to patch the Jeep tire which went flat running over a gravel rock road. $8.00 for a large cup of Americana coffee and a small cappuccino.

This thing parked next to us in front of the laundry mat and our jeep look kind of small. by the way, there is no license plate on this 4x4 but there is an ATV sticker on it instead.

Chillin with a hot beverage.

This is another rock store like the ones we saw in Quartzsite Arizona. This one also has dinosaur bones for sale.

Some of this large petrified wood was well over $2,000 eac.

Petrified Sand Dollars anyone?